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April 20 – June 8

Opening reception April 20, 6-9 pm 

Quotidian presents COLLAPse, featuring Rodney McMillian, Rosalyn Myles, Miguel Osuna, Jenny Hager, Charles Dickson, April Banks, Joe Davidson, Ana Rodriguez and Roy Thurston. Continuing Quotidian’s mission to highlight uniquely California visual literacy, Collapse looks at the ways artists articulate moments of impact, absorption and consolidation of materials, stories and aesthetics.  

Collapse is the investigation of materiality, challenging tradition with innovative approaches to composition – extending the language of landscape, reimagining the canvas, or the value of paint, and dissolving pigment into surfaces to sublimate artifice with dimensionality. These works coax the sublime out of the ordinary, collapsing our ideas of the hierarchy of media, objects and meaning. 

The exhibition also highlights artists who fold time and space in their narrative practices to make new work that merges the past and present, as well as explore Afro-futurism. These makers fuse ritual materials and significance into contemporary concepts, extending the allegorical nature of certain narratives into certain other material and aesthetic concerns. Collapse removes the liminal place between identity and creativity, and between the hard edge line and intimate and often feminine geometry that informs it. 

McMillian, Myles, Osuna, Hager, Dickson, Banks, Davidson, Rodriguez and Thurston are Los Angeles makers who through their art explore the elasticity of ideas, techniques and materials to make rich, new visual language. They construct bridges of awareness, understanding and appreciation that help us navigate the ongoing disassembling of systems to necessitate a more exact, yet broader understanding of collapse. 

curated by jill moniz